Congressional Visits Day 2021 will be a digital event
Advocate for Aerospace!

Date: Week of 15 March (schedule digital meetings with congressional staff throughout the week per each state team’s schedule)
Congressional Visits Day (CVD) is an annual event that gathers AIAA members—engineers, scientists, researchers, and students—to meet with national decision makers and discuss critical community issues in aeronautics, astronautics, and defense. Through meetings with members of Congress, legislative staff, and other key stakeholders, CVD raises awareness of the long-term value that science, engineering, and technology bring to America.
For interested participants, there are several training sessions available. Mr. David Fox has availability to prepare people in smaller groups for a more 1:1 learning experience and to answer questions about the event.
Additionally, AIAA needs to identify a state captain for Texas. Mr. David Fox will act as the Texas State Captain, but a search for someone to take that role or work with him as a co-captain is in underway. If you are interested in supporting CVD as an attendee, captain, etc., please let David Fox and Wayne Rast know.
The policy papers found here represent AIAA’s position on Aeronautics R&D and Space. As we identify CVD state captains, we will also need to work to distribute these papers to local legislative contacts.