
Let’s talk about engineering, current aerospace, think tank Ideas and processes over coffee and pasties.

Where: Classic Seabrook Café 2511 Nasa Rd 1,
Seabrook, TX 7586

When: Saturday Mornings 8:30-9:30 AM.

Get your geek on!  

First morning #spacegeekspeak was Dec 8th, 2018

AIAA will get your coffee.

Each Saturday we will have a trivia questions for you to check your space knowledge.

All guesses go into a drawing box, the first correct guess receives a Starbucks gift card.

Share this flyer (PDF) with your colleagues!

Erich Klein to Receive AIAA 2017 Otto C. Winzen Lifetime Achievement Award

Congratulations, Mr. Klein! We are proud of your accomplishments as a member of the Houston Section and are very pleased to hear of your winning of the 2017 Otto C. Winzen Lifetime Achievement Award.

Please look for an invitation in the coming months to also be recognized at our annual awards dinner in June.

See the award notification letter (PDF))

Dr. John Valasek Named AIAA Fellow – Class of 2017

AIAA Houston wishes to congratulate Dr. John Valasek of Texas A&M University’s Aerospace Engineering Department on being named as a 2017 AIAA Fellow.

AIAA confers the distinction of Fellow upon individuals in recognition of their notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences or technology of aeronautics and astronautics.

We appreciate your dedication to AIAA and are proud of your efforts in representing the Houston Section and the entire aerospace community.

Thank you and congratulations!

Jennifer Wells
AIAA Houston Section
Chair 2016-2017

(See the press release (PDF).)

AIAA Houston Associate Fellows

AIAA Houston wishes to congratulate the following 2017 Associate
Fellows who are members of our section:

Raktim Bhattacharya – Texas A&M University

Barry W. Finger – Paragon Space Development Corporation

Michael Oelke – Iron Ring Technologies LLC

Jeffrey S. Osterlund – The Boeing Company

We appreciate your dedication to AIAA and are proud of your efforts in
representing the Houston Section.

Thank you and congratulations!

Jennifer Wells
AIAA Houston Section
Chair 2016-2017

AIAA Houston 2016 Elections

AIAA Houston will have elections for Chair-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Chair – Operations, Vice Chair – Technical, and for 5 Councilor positions during the month of April. In order to hold the vote, nominees for these positions are needed by March 25th with the nominating period opening today. To nominate someone, please send their name, the position sought, and contact information to Michael Frostad, Election Committee Chair, at elections2016@aiaahouston.org by March 25th.

AIAA Houston is one of the most active AIAA sections in the nation. If you find that you or someone you know is excited about Aerospace, wants to help pick our speakers, and wants to develop leadership skills, please consider nominating them or yourself for one of these positions described below:


The Chair-Elect shall assist the Chair in performing the Chair’s duties as requested by the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall attend Council and committee meetings to monitor and become familiar with the functions of the Section officers and the Section committees. The Chair-Elect shall coordinate with all officers, Councilors, and committee chairmen to prepare plans for the orderly transition for the Chair-Elect’s term of office as Chair during the following year. The Chair-Elect becomes the Chair after 1 year.

Vice Chair – Operations

The Vice Chair – Operations shall be responsible for conducting the detailed planning in Operations such as managing the officers who help run the section (i.e. Programs, Communications, etc.).

Vice Chair – Technical

The Vice Chair – Technical shall be responsible for conducting the detailed planning in the Technical area such as managing the Technical Committees and their Chairs and overseeing the Annual Technical Symposium (ATS).


The Secretary shall be a member of the Council and shall maintain minutes of all meetings of the Section and shall be custodian of all its records not specially assigned to others. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Section and the Council and send out all meeting notices.


The Treasurer shall be a member of the Council, shall have charge of the funds of the Section, and shall make all required financial reports and such expenditures as may be authorized by the Section or by the Council or by the Bylaws of the Institute.

Councilors (5 openings)

Councilors are responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Council. They are also responsible for assisting in the coordination and execution of Section dinner meetings. They are encouraged to take an active part in committees and other Section activities. They shall take office at the beginning of the administrative year for terms of two years and shall continue in office until their successors qualify and take office.

Thank you! Please direct any questions about the elections to Michael Frostad at elections2016@aiaahouston.org.

Alan Sisson
2015 Chair, AIAA Houston