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October 28, 2017 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$15 - $25Event Navigation
Dual Conference is organized by Clear Lake Council of Technical Societies (CLCTS), by IEEE Galveston Bay Section Society Chapters, and by the Robotics and Automation Technical Committee of AIAA Houston Section.
Dual Conference provides a great opportunity for local area professionals and students to present their work at this technical forum with a minimum financial and time burden.
Presentations include the following: AI, Games, Robotics, Biomed, Energy, Space, Computer Security, Data, IoT, e-Commerce, e-learning areas of work (but not limited to):
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology
- Genetic Editing, CRISPR/Cas, Designer Genes, GMOs
- Computer Viruses and Cybersecurity
- Computer Networks, Communication and Wireless Systems, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Data Mining
- Serious Games, Simulations, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cinema, 3D Video, Oculus Rift
- Programming Languages, Processors,Test and Development Systems
- Automation, Robotics, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Expert Systems
- IBM Watson, Apple Siri, Amazon Echo, Microsoft Cortana, Google Assistant
- Aerospace & Aeronautics Systems, Programs and Spacecraft, Astronaut Support
Green Energy, Energy Transmission, and Smart Grid
Space-Rated Computer Processors and Support Equipment
Nuclear Power, Thorium Reactors, Nuclear Waste Abatement
Manufacturing Systems and 3D Printing
Smart Highways, Smart Cities, Autonomous Vehicles and Seagoing Ship Technology
Social, Economic and Ethical Impact of Technology
High Performance Computing and Mobile applications, Quantum Computing
Sensing and Sensor Networks
Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, VR
STUDENTS’ POSTER SESSION AWARD: There will be three awards (one $200, two $100) for best judged poster paper/presentations.
Registration Fee schedule-Full day program, which includes luncheon is $25.00, Conference ONLY $15, Additional Luncheon tickets $15.00, All attendees including presenters need to register and pay registration fee. All registrants will be provided a final program copy. Registration fee will be due at the event. All NO SHOW registrants will be billed. For additional enquiries please send emails to any of the co-chairs: Dr Paul Frenger (pf_md@yahoo.com), Dr Liwen Shih (shih@uhcl.edu) or Dr Zafar Taqvi (Z.Taqvi@IEEE.org). REGISTRATION DEADLINE-FRIDAY OCTOBER 20th, 2017