18 February 2021 7pm
When: Thursday, February 18th at 7pm via Zoom.

What: AIAA-UH is partnering with SWE, Society of Women Engineers, to provide our members with the opportunity to do mock interviews before the UH spring career fair. We are looking for some engineers in the field who could volunteer to assist in conducting some mock interviews with the students.
When: Thursday, March 3rd at 7pm on Microsoft Teams The student could share the screen or give the link to their resume in a private channel in Teams with the engineer, and the “interviewer” would ask them some questions.
AIAA-UH is having a mock interview session on January 30th and would like some of the AIAA Houston members to help give mock interviews.
The event is happening January 30th at 7pm to 9pm at the UH Main Campus in SEC 204.
If you are available and interested in volunteering, contact the AIAA-UH President, Daniel Kolodziejcyk, at aiaacoogs.uh@gmail.com.