“A Tale of Two Translunar Aborts” AIAA Houston lunch-n-learn

AIAA Houston is excited to host Dan Adamo, AIAA Distinguished Speaker and former shuttle flight controller with trajectory expertise, for a virtual lunch-n-learn focused on shared lunar abort details between Astrobotic’s Peregrine-1 Lunar Lander abort and Apollo 13. Free virtual attendance available to the general spaceflight community – no AIAA membership required.

WHAT: “A Tale of Two Translunar Aborts” AIAA Houston lunch-n-learn
WHEN: 1130am-1pm Mon. Feb. 26
WHERE: Virtual; attend via Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83558603375)
DETAILS: “The recent Peregrine robotic lunar landing abort due to a leaking oxidizer tank was an off-Earth navigator’s nightmare. Overboard vent accelerations were literally all over the sky before attitude control was restored, and an uncontrolled lunar impact was impending before a more responsible disposal strategy was implemented. These dramatic events recall still higher stakes in play after Apollo 13’s onboard explosion aborted its lunar landing attempt in 1970. New insights regarding post-explosion vent accelerations threatening safe Apollo 13 return to Earth will be discussed.”

AIAA Houston Young Professionals Career Panel

Join the AIAA Houston section for a virtual young professionals career panel

10 August 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting
Join the AIAA Houston section for a virtual young professionals career panel, featuring five distinguished panelists working throughout aeronautics and astronautics. They will discuss early career experiences and advice that propelled them to where they are today, as well as answer questions submitted by the audience.
To submit audience questions, please follow this link.

Event page contains more details. See you there!