AIAA 2013 Space Automation and Robotics Award

The AIAA Houston Section proudly wishes to congratulate the Robonaut2 team on this exciting award. Robonaut2 continues to inspire the youth and adults around the world, and is a prime example of high technology and a strong model for how governmental research entities can partner with industry in a mutually beneficial manner. Their team has overcome great challenges and rose to the occasion in ways that us outside their team may never fully understand, but will strive to duplicate in the future. Congratulations, the AIAA Houston Section is very proud of their achievements and this wonderful recognition of their efforts.

Daniel Nobles, Chairman, AIAA Houston Section 2012-2013

Upcoming AIAA Awards Nominations Deadlines

The following awards have nomination deadlines approaching within the month:

J. Leland Atwood Award – Further information about the award is posted at Nominations must be received by ASEE by 14 January.

Nomination Deadline: 1 February

  • Daniel Guggenheim Medal
  • Aerospace Guidance, Navigation, and Control Award
  • Aerospace Power Systems Award
  • Aircraft Design Award
  • de Florez Award for Flight Simulation
  • Energy Systems Award
  • F. E. Newbold V/STOL Award
  • George M. Low Space Transportation Award
  • Haley Space Flight Award
  • Hap Arnold Award for Excellence in Aeronautical Program Management
  • Hypersonic Systems and Technologies
  • Mechanics & Control of Flight Award
  • Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Award
  • Otto C. Winzen Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Piper General Aviation Award
  • Space Operations & Support Award
  • Space Science Award
  • Space Systems Award
  • von Braun Award for Excellence in Space Program Management

For detailed award information and nomination forms, please visit the AIAA website or use the contact form.

November/December Horizons Newsletter

The November/December 2012 72-page issue of Horizons is now available in both high and low resolutions. This issue includes: cover story: The UP Experience 2012 in Houston that featured legendary aerospace vehicle designer Burt Rutan, who gave us an exclusive interview, “Interstellar First Stop? Detection of an Earth-Sized Exoplanet at Alpha Centauri B” by Wes Kelly, Triton Systems LLC, “A 2012 TC4 Gravity Assist from Earth” and “A Newly Discovered Highly Accessible NEO” by Daniel R. Adamo, Astrodynamics Consultant, “Asteroid 2012 DA14’s February 2013 Fly-By” by Dr. Patrick Rodi, “Creating an Economically Robust Space Policy” by Dr. Martin Elvis of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, “Man Will Conquer Space Soon!”, continuing our reprints of these Collier’s space articles (1952 – 1954), a lunch-and-learn summary article, “Voyages: Sustainable Human Space Exploration: A Review” with guest speaker Dr. Kumar Krishen, NASA/JSC and “Hubble Meets Skylab” by Scott Lowther, Aerospace Projects Review (APR Corner).