AIAA Houston Section Dinner Meeting: “First Man” and Lunar Exploration

Join the AIAA Houston Section and Frank Hughes, technical advisor for the “First Man” movie, for:

  1. 6:30pm: “Making movie, making history” program by Frank Hughes
  2. 7:00pm: Screening of “First Man”

Everyone will be responsible for their own food.

Please forward to your co-workers, family and friends.

We hope to fill the theater.


RSVP below or on the Eventbrite page:

AIAA Houston Section Dinner Meeting: “First Man” and Lunar Exploration

AIAA Houston Section will have a dinner event next Wednesday, December 12!

The short presentation and the movie “First Man” will take place at Star Cinema Grill.

Presentation at 6:30 and the movie at 7:00 pm.

RSVP on the event page or on Eventbrite.

Invite your colleagues, friends and family.

Thank you for helping us to make this event success!