Please join us for our May dinner with AIAA Houston. Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz, former US Astronaut and current CEO of the Ad Astra rocket company, will talk to us about the Variable Area Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) that is currently in development at Ad Astra.
Meals will be BBQ buffet.
Thank you to everyone who reserved a ticket (or sent a rsvp) for the May 7th dinner. It is now sold out and no more tickets are available. Due to space limitations, please do not attend if you don’t have a ticket or rsvp’ed before today. Thanks!
More information available on the event page.
When: May 7, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Ad Astra rocket company headquarters, 141 W. Bay Area Blvd, Webster, TX 77598
Speaker: Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz
Space Operations Technical Chair Presents:

VASIMR® Propulsion Development – Ready for the Next Level
Dr. Jared P. Squire, Ad Astra Rocket Company
NOVEMBER 13 2014, 11:30am-1:00pm
University Space Research Association (USRA)
3600 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058 in the Berkner Room
There is a growing consensus that Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) in the multi-100 kW class will be highly valuable – if not essential – for human exploration of deep space. This technology enables tremendous robotic cargo delivery to distant locations, such as Mars, when time is not a major factor. The necessary power levels to serve the mass of human-supporting payloads are more than ten times that of the state-of-the-art SEP. Human transportation history shows that desire and need for power always grows. Space is
no different. Human space exploration will soon desire multi-MWs, so we should invest in technology that can grow to this capability. The VASIMR®-SEP technology starting at power levels of 50 kW (about that of a small electric car) coupled with ongoing innovations in solar power is such a system. This talk will review the high state of the technology readiness of a VASIMR® system. The physics and system efficiency have been proven in our Webster facility. The technology is ready for the next level of ground testing, thermal steady-state, on its way to spaceflight testing. Engineering system analysis shows that, in the power realm above 50 kW, a VASIMR® propulsion system is unmatched in performance.
About the Speaker
Dr. Jared P. Squire has been a key member of the VASIMR® technology development team since 1995. He began his career at MIT while studying high-power (MW) RF driven magnetized plasmas for nuclear fusion energy. Dr. Squire helped establish a laboratory at the Johnson Space Center that performed the early experimental research that demonstrated the physics of the VASIMR® engine. One of the original founders of the Ad Astra Rocket Company and a member of the Board of Directors since its inception in
2005, he is also Ad Astra’s Senior VP of Research and responsible for the continued research to ready the VASIMR® technology for commercialization.
Additional Event Information
This event is open to all interested attendees. We use different services now from Jason’s Deli Delivery and depend on what venue is secured. Regardless all L&L’s start at 11:30 AM. Professional Engineers earn one hour of credit toward Continuing Education requirements by attending this event. For additional information contact the Space Ops Chair with the contact information below.
See the flyer in PDF or MS Word format.
Presentation Material
Join us for an AIAA Houston Section Space Operations Technical Committee Lunch and Learn:
VASIMR® Propulsion Development – Ready for the Next Level
Dr. Jared P. Squire, Ad Astra Rocket Company
NOVEMBER 13 2014, 11:30am-1:00pm
University Space Research Association (USRA)
3600 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058 in the Berkner Room
More information available on the event page.