Take a look-see at our new College and Co-op page.
We need your inputs/suggestions as to how we can best mentor and support the next generation of engineers. If you know of any co-op/internship/employment opportunities, please send your inputs.
Take a look-see at our new College and Co-op page.
We need your inputs/suggestions as to how we can best mentor and support the next generation of engineers. If you know of any co-op/internship/employment opportunities, please send your inputs.
There are several award nomination deadlines approaching within the month and we would like to have as many nominees from the Houston section as possible. Please visit the Honors and Awards Page and nominate an AIAA Houston Section colleague today!
For more information, please contact Jennifer Wells.
Greetings colleagues,
We are slowly migrating content from our old website. We’ll have this site up and running before you know it.