2008 Annual Technical Symposium
May 9, 2008 (Friday)
Gilruth Center, NASA/JSC
- Constellation
- Moon, Mars, and Beyond
- Space Shuttle
- Space Shuttle Retirement
- International Space Station
- Advanced Projects
- Space Operations
- Aerospace Technology
- Modeling & Simulation
- Robotics
- 07:45 Registration $10.00(Open All Day)
- 08:15 Kickoff Speech: Speaker/Topic
- 09:00 Morning Sessions
- 12:00 Lunch
- 12:45 Luncheon Speech: Speaker/Topic
- 13:30 Afternoon Sessions
- 16:30 End of Symposium
Symposium Plans
- Registration All Day at The Gilruth Center
- $5 Registration for Paper Presenters.
- $10 Registration for Attendees.
- Free Continental Breakfast, Compliments from our sponsors, provided in the Alamo Ballroom during registration.
- Reserve online in advance or pay at the Door(Cash or Check).
- Reservations in advance include a lunch buffet.
- Buffet includes vegetarian option.
- Advance registration is requested
- Submit abstracts for presenters
- Presentations will be limited to 30 minutes
- Only abstracts will be published (to streamline organization approval). Presenters have the option to publish the presentation online after the symposium. Important [ All materials must be cleared through the appropriate export compliance processes prior to the Symposium, please check with the appropriate authorities and allow enough time for processing.]
- Submit any technical information with posters for review and approval.
- One Windows laptop to be available in each room for presenters. (Acceptable Medias: CD, Flash/Thumb drive)
- Speakers have the option to use their own laptop
- Delivery of presentations expected at the registration desk
- See deadline for abstract submission.
- AIAA membership and JSC badging not required.
- No Gilruth badging is required – ATS is open to public.
- No paper required –
- All are encouraged to attend or present, including univesity professors, NASA/JSC personnel, and NASA/JSC contractors